State BJP welcomes Mukul, Ghosh buries his hatchet

KOKLKATA : Even as Mukul Roy joined BJP in Delhi, the state BJP extended its welcome this afternoon at its state party office. While state president Dilip Ghosh and Mukul Roy embraced each other, Roy told reporters “those who really want political change should join the BJP and see the change.’’
Apparently, Roy was sending feelers to TMC leaders and men to decamp the party and follow his example. Change we expected didn’t happen,’’ he said, adding, “it would happen if one strengthens BJP. We will form the next Government and BJP will win in state elections.’’
Earlier, after he joined BJP, he compared Mamata Banerjee’s rule with another former chief minister Siddharth Sankar Roy who during his rule 1972-78 created chaos, Congress goons and had assumed role of a tin-pot dictator.
Incidentally, what Roy said or will say “doesn’t matter much, but it was necessary that he was formally welcomed by unhappy state leaders who, including Dilip Ghosh, rather openly aired their dissent over Roy’s would role and his presence in party.
The meeting was necessary, as it would help Dilip Ghosh to end his bad talks about Roy and end spreading a bad air about Roy who didn’t add any spice to it,’’ said a veteran BJP leader.
It was also reported that from Bengal Roy would go with BJP team for election campaign in Gujarat 10th this month. The news spread more ill-will within state BJP, “it was perhaps Amit Shah’s decision, at least no one would challenge or oppose,’’ said a state BJP leader.