Adopt innovative technology to be effective Parliamentarians- Says Harivansh

 NEW DELHI : Mr Harivansh delivered the valedictory speech at the two-day orientation workshop for newly-elected members of the Rajya Sabha held in New Delhi on Sunday. In his address the Deputy Chairman lauded the ‘digital eco-friendly’ theme of the sessions that updated MPs about various technologies at their disposal to function more efficiently.
He said that different sessions in these two days of the orientation would’ve helped the members to understand the nuances of Parliamentary process much better. Earlier in the day, he also addressed a session on the expectations from MPs in Parliament and their role in diplomacy. Digitization & IT and Importance of Parliamentary Diplomacy were among the new sessions for the members included in the two day orientation programme organized for the members this time.
He urged the members to be aware about the Rules and Procedures, work of the committee, code of conduct and others to be an effective Parliamentarian. “The Rules are supreme in the House and members must follow it in letter and spirit,” he said. Utilising the Question Hour, debate on bills, budgets during Committee meetings, Zero Hour, Special Mentions are important avenues for members to hold the Executive accountable and he highlighted that members must use them effectively.
Underlining the need to keep learning he said, “Orientation session is just the start, and our day-to-day politics is dynamic in nature. Hence, members must look at learning as a continuous process that will reflect in their interventions and debates. Their contributions in a productive debate and influencing the policies is key to the path to become a developed nation by 2047.”

The Two-day Orientation Programme organized by Capacity Building Division of the Rajya Sabha Secretariat for the newly elected/ nominated Members of Rajya Sabha began its second day with a session on ‘Lawmaking Process’ delivered by Dr. Sasmit Patra. Shri S. Niranjan Reddy explained the ‘Parliamentary Privileges’.

Former Rajya Sabha Member, Shri Rakesh Sinha spoke on ‘Rajya Sabha : Its role and contribution to Indian polity; Shri Narain Dass Gupta spoke about ‘Ethics in Politics: Do’s & Don’ts for Members. Dr. Fauzia Khan shared her thoughts on the ‘Importance of Question Hour’ and Shri Tiruchi Siva spoke on Committee Systems. At the conclusion of the orientation programme, Dr. Vandana Kumar, Additional Secretary, Rajya Sabha Secretariat, delivered vote of thanks to the Members.

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